Obesity Related Diseases

The Role Of Body Fat In Diabetes

It is an accepted medical fact that overweight and obese people are at much greater risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. We say developing because this disorder is often an acquired one and it is acquired due in large part to weight issues....

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Link Between Cancer And Obesity

For years personal physicians have extolled the many benefits of exercise. In addition to keeping the body look fit and trim, it can also help reduce stress levels and lower the risk of deadly diseases and disorders like diabetes, heart disease, a...

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Obesity And Heart Failure Risk

Years of research have revealed what doctors and scientists have long suspected— that excess weight puts undue stress on the heart, which can and often does damage it and leads to heart failure. The chance of severe, permanent, and sometimes fat...

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Obesity And Sleep Apnea

According to recent numbers, somewhere between 50 and 70 million people suffer from sleep disorders. And although they can significantly affect the quality of a person’s life, only one can actually end it. Sleep apnea is a potentially deadly sle...

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Obesity And Stroke

Although modern technology is supposed to make our lives easier, more comfortable, the fact is that people are working harder than ever these days. Case in point: Years ago, it was possible and customary for the average American family to survive ...

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Kids & Obesity-Hypoventilation Syndrome

Doctors and nutritionists alike agree that one of the most startling developments in recent years with regard to diet and exercise is the incredible increase in obesity in children and teenagers. According to recent numbers, more than a third of m...

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Osteoarthritis And Being Overweight

Being overweight or obese can cause a number of health issues from hypertension to diabetes to heart failure. And according to a recent study, we can now add osteoarthritis the list. The condition is a progressively degenerative one and often begi...

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The Facts On Gallstones

Gallstones are abnormal concretions that form in the gallbladder. The gallbladder is a tiny organ situated beside the abdomen and below the liver. Its primary responsibilities are to store bile, which is produced by the liver, and then to release ...

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Weight And High Blood Pressure

As every doctor knows, weight and high blood pressure are inextricably linked. And when it comes to heart decease and high blood pressure, the groups that are most commonly affected by it are folks who are either overweight or obese....

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